In the Glow of Yellow Moths: A Tribute to Amanda Gorman

In a world that often seems enveloped in shades of gray, the vibrant yellow coat adorned by Amanda Gorman at the presidential inauguration brought a splash of hope and inspiration, a vivid reminder of the beauty and brilliance that still exists and flourishes. This artwork, my largest portrait to date, is a humble tribute to a woman who embodies grace, intelligence, and the transformative power of words.

In the Glow of Yellow Moths: A Tribute to Amanda Gorman

The inspiration behind this piece

is as vibrant and multifaceted as the subject herself. Amanda Gorman, a beacon of wisdom and beauty, has not only captured the hearts of many but also fits seamlessly into my ongoing theme of "yellow moths" and other pollinators. Her appearance at the “Moth Grand Slam” stands as a testament to her poetic prowess and aligns perfectly with the thematic elements of transformation and light that are central to this series.

Yellow Moths & Paper Planes

As you immerse yourself in this oil painting, I hope you feel a sense of connection and inspiration, akin to the fluttering wings of yellow moths, symbolizing transformation and the gentle power of words taking flight, much like the paper planes depicted in the artwork. The yellow coat, a central element, serves as a beacon of hope, a bright spot in a world that is in dire need of light and positivity.

In the creation of this piece, I chose oil as the medium to bring depth and texture to the portrait, allowing the vibrant hues to resonate profoundly, echoing the depth of Amanda's poetry. The style and subject matter were chosen not just for their aesthetic appeal, but as a representation of the hope and harmony encapsulated in Amanda's poem "Call Us What We Carry":

“We lay down our arms
so we can reach out our arms
to one another
We seek harm to none and harmony for all
Let the globe, if nothing else, say this is true:
That even as we grieved, we grew
That even as we hurt, we hoped
That even as we tired, we tried”

― Amanda Gorman

In crafting this portrait, I joined the ranks of many who have found inspiration in Amanda's presence and words. It is a celebration of her spirit, a nod to her intellect, and an acknowledgment of the bright flame she carries, igniting hope and fostering unity in times of despair.